One of the reasons to live on the Wet Coast of Canada because if you can put up with overcast skies for March and April and 12° C, you get to see this kind of beauty on a March 10th day while on your cycle ride at 5:45pm on a perfect March 10th Buffer Day.
Last weekend was an interesting weekend in that it was the first full weekend that I have been home since the last week in January. A great weekend it was as spring has just about sprung on Vancouver Island and I invested some of the weekend getting the outside patios and plants ready for spring with pruning and sweeping and do you know what? I am going to make a list and schedule it for next year so that I have an effortless plan and all the stuff is not cluttering my mind. Of course I could delegate it all and at the same time, it is a different kind of work that I enjoy.
Monday was a Buffer Day and it was invested in creating the Sales Copy for the Pro-Seminars Cross Canada Tour featuring Don Xavier and myself offering two separate 3 hour workshops and the dates and cities are;
• May 5 – London
• May 6 – Toronto
• May 7 – Winnipeg
• May 8 – Calgary
• May 9 – Vancouver
Pro-Seminars Cross Canada Tour – May 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9, 2008
“The New Market” – Crisis, Danger or Opportunity?
Are you ready and what are you doing about it?
The Chinese Symbol for Crisis is made up of the symbols of Danger and Opportunity.
Call “The New Market” what you like, a debacle, a slowdown or even a recession …
Roadblocks to your success in business are everywhere. We simply have to learn how to remove them, or at least bypass them with some creative detours. The first step on any journey is the hardest to take for everyone. Wouldn’t you like to finally break down the barriers to your success?
Are you doing what you need to do to put in the systems for your clients, your business and your self to approach “The New Market” as an opportunity?
You and your systems are going to have to be better than ever.
What are you going to do to change your perspective into opportunity?
In this thought provoking and inspiring 3 hour workshop you will learn;
• 3 smart strategies to face and eliminate fear once and for all which will allow you to stay motivated and inspired so that all of your business systems operate easily and effortlessly
• 2 powerful steps that will create a vision that will allow you to attract the business results that you have always dreamed of
• 3 essential steps to time management that will enable you to have balance in all areas of your business and personal lives
• The secret to goal setting to keep your goals front and center so that you achieve your goals
• A simple system to make sure that you are going to realize the income that you want
• A five step process to keep you out of overwhelm so that you stay organized
• Four steps to improve communication eliminating conflict with associates, clients and family members to allow you to be in harmony and help you to concentrate on what is most important
• A winning hiring system that will eliminate anxiety around hiring and show you how to easily and effortlessly attract the assistant of your dreams even in a tight employment market
• A proven process to get rid of what you don’t like to do which will enable you to delegate more providing you with more time to invest with your clients and prospects
• Five essential steps to removing your roadblocks to asking for and receiving referrals to enable your clients to keep you top of mind and refer you to their best associates, family members and friends
In times of change, people need to change the way they look at what they are doing along with the systems that they are using.
If you have done what you have always done, you will get what you have always gotten. If you want to have what you have never had, you have to do what you have never done.
In times of change, the best become better and the worst disappear.

International Values and Behavioral Analyst, Business Coach, Speaker and Author
Executive Coaching Tips for Financial Advisors
Speaking at a City Near You