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On The Road Again

I’m recharged beyond any business experience that I have ever had. This is from the past week of Creative Destruction & Planning, walking away with a Business Plan and Operations Manual that maps out the future like never before. This provides feelings of: adventure, aliveness, calmness, certainty, confidence, energy, enthusiasm, excitement, fulfillment, happiness, inspiration, joy, peace, thanks, venture and wonder. Yes I am a firm believer in “words are real forces” and “words create energy” and that is why I confirm them when I write about what we are doing.

Our plans for coaching, product development, speaking and writing are enormous and they are going to take energy to fulfill.

The following music track is a way of humoring me to get back on the road because May is likely the most challenging travel schedule that I have yet. I look forward to taking the new found energy with me that we have realized from our planning.

Marketing is the process of elimination and if you can’t hack a little Canned Heat then you will not like me and I am OK with that 🙂

Now if Canned Heat hasn’t made you run for the delete button, this next bit surely will. Laura arranged for us to do a couples yoga class over the weekend.

You know the expression that I use “there are no fat old men”? I have a new one; “there are no fat and inflexible old men”. I really enjoyed the class which gave us an array of brand new stretches that we can do together. Stretching is a fabulous way to release the tension and stress that gets locked into muscles that are locked into position after sitting at a desk for hours.

We will be Yogic flying in no time – Now this has really given you another chance to hit the delete button. 🙂

Here is the most challenging travel schedule yet!

• Pro-Seminars, May 7, Vancouver, BC
• Advocis S Saskatchewan, May 10, Regina, SK
• Advocis Durham, May 17, Oshawa, ON
• Advocis N. Central Saskatchewan, May 24, Saskatoon, SK
• IFB Summit, May 30/31, Toronto, ON
• Business Retreat, May 31/June 8, Devon, England

The speaking schedule may not look that challenging, I usually go out on the road every two weeks and this schedule is every week x 4 weeks with a trip to England at the end.