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Oh, There’s A Frog In My Pot! Spiderman And The Holy Man

Victoria Day, Monday, May 21, 2007 was a welcome extra day off.

Laura and I enjoyed the day out of the office with a long nature walk and puttering with our potted plants.

The environment is alive and well right outside of our front door.

As she was tending to her plants, I heard Laura exclaim “Oh, there’s a frog in my pot”

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For fun and to completely disassociate from reality, Laura and I went to see Spiderman 3 over the weekend.

The underpinning of the movie was your classic struggle between good and evil with good winning in the end.

If you listened really hard, you could hear some wisdom in the writing.

Flint Marko: I’m not asking for your forgiveness. I just want you to understand.

Peter Parker: I forgive you.

These few words of wisdom surprised me as I offer this quote in my PowerPoint presentation;

When there is no understanding, there is judgment. When there is judgment, there can be no understanding. – Simon Reilly

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I’ve been reading The Holy Man by Susan Trott.

Here’s an excerpt that you may enjoy;

“Aren’t we supposed to abandon our egos”? Maria asked.

“Yes. When your ego gets strong enough you will be able to slough it off”.

“If I abandon my ego, what would happen to my science?”

“Einstein completely abandoned his ego,” said Joe. “Then he was free to think, free to release his intuitive power”.