One of the intentions of my Blog is to make myself “the coach” more “real” to the reader rather than making “the coach” into some sort of guru living in an ivory tower.
We are all human and by revealing the conditions of being human through Blogging, one hopes that it might make the coach more human and in the process, break down some of the barriers that might hold a client back from working with the coach.
In my Removing Your Roadblocks To Your Success Public Speaking Presentation I discuss the importance of Vision.
One of the benefits of Vision enables us to NOT get distracted by the many things that are on the airwaves these days. Vision allows us to work on something bigger in both our business and personal lives rather than just surviving.
For more on the above your can read the Blog article here; Is The World Blocking Your Vision Or Are You Blocking Out The World?
Here is a list of the distractions that are on the airwaves;
– Crime
– Disease
– Economy
– Electrical Shortages
– Global Warming
– Homeless
– Hunger
– Oil Shortages
– Terrorism
– War
So its ironic that I succumbed to what the doctor called a “bug” which could have been picked up during last weeks travels. September 28, 2006 – Advocis Northern Alberta Chapter Public Speaking Educational Event
I won’t give you the details of the “bug” only to say that since Wedneday, September 27th, I have been working on only the highest of priorities which are my clients and all the rest of my activities have been set aside while I get plenty of rest.
So it’s now Sunday, October 1, 2006 as I write this Blog I’m still getting over the “bug”. So why am I writing this Blog you may say?
It is part of getting my head wrapped back around the incompletions from last week and preparing for the week ahead that includes Public Speaking Presentations In Kitchener, ON & Winnipeg, MB.
I’m taking this opportunity while I muster my energy and strength for an early Thanksgiving in advance of going out on the road. I’m doing this because while my energy may not be the best to go out on the road, with all due respect to my beloved clients, the week of October 2nd is an off week from working with clients and that next weekend is a four day weekend from Friday, October 6th – Monday, October 9th to include Thanksgiving Day in Canada on the Monday. This will create plenty of time to re-charge my batteries.
Sometimes one has to reach deep down inside and find the extra energy to go forward no matter how they may be feeling – onward, upward!

International Values and Behavioral Analyst, Business Coach, Speaker and Author
Executive Coaching Tips for Financial Advisors
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