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Nonsense To Try To Move Ahead

Coaching calls are finished for the week and what a week it was! I’ve been full on since Tuesday without my usual Monday planning day because we were on holiday last week which included Monday. So I’m investing the balance of Friday into emptying my head into MS Excel to get on top of all of my active calendar items, e-mails from associates and friends, documents, files, ideas, journalings, notes, projects, routine items and to-dos so that I can sort them by category, prioritize them and then schedule them for action if need be. I’m using this system to bail me out because I have been sacrificing my organizational time to keep up with writing the book and workbook drafts which are now complete.

I find that when my mind is full of ideas all of it seems to be an A priority.

This process will allow me to get back to work next week on the six business building projects that we are working on.

It is nonsense to try to move ahead when my mind is swimming with loose ends.

1. Hire a book architect / designer
2. Print the book
3. Update our web site copy to match the book and workbook
4. Update our show reel to match the book and workbook
5. Publish an entrepreneurial version of the book and workbook
6. Hire a viral marketing contractor

Have a great weekend.