Laura exclaimed “We have no wiggle room!”. Laura said this because we have sold out all of the client spaces save one and six clients asked to reschedule for one reason or another. Trying to do a maneuver like this when our time is limited is tricky.
It’s not that we have no time. We have time off, planning time and product development time. If we have weak boundaries we will have no time off, planning time and product development time.
What to do? Decrease the number of clients? Open up a planning day? Open up a product development day?
Maybe it is time for us to look at our client criteria?
Here is a segment of a Blog that I wrote: The Coaching Drive Through Is Closed
What would be the criteria that I would use to segment my clients?
– Your coach enjoys working with you
– You make every effort to keep your pre-scheduled coaching telephone call and you are on time for your coaching call
– You make payment for your coaching on time
– You complete your assignments and e-mail or fax them in advance of your coaching session
– You complete your Coaching Call Client Form and e-mail or fax it in advance of your coaching session
– You arrive at your coaching session with an open frame of mind
– You don’t try to use your coaching session as a bitch session
I miss England. Here is a pic of Laura and I and the wonderful people that we met at Chris Barrow’s Retreat in England.

International Values and Behavioral Analyst, Business Coach, Speaker and Author
Executive Coaching Tips for Financial Advisors
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