It’s 5:30am on Friday, October 12 and I’ve just spent a ½ an hour getting sorted out to get back onto indexing my articles to the type set audio of my Power Point.
I was awake about 4am and meditated as best I could until 4:45am. It is difficult to maintain focus when I am tired and I did the best I could. Again, meditation to me means – no thought.
Why didn’t I just go back to sleep? I set a goal to have the book “editor ready” by October 15th.
At the same time, when I wake up early I explain to myself that I have a big vision to fulfill and it will not get done lying in bed.
While I can see my goal and light at the end of the tunnel, I’m still not there.
So I’m re-associated to the indexing and I am working on the articles that I have written on values.
6:15am and I’ve just recovered my book document after MS Word crashed. I closed my usual 25 – 100 open programs and documents and shut my computer down to reboot the system … the computer has probably been on for weeks so no wonder.
7:00am and I’m through the work on values and have moved onto vision.
While by body is tired and weary from what must be a the best part of 50 hours of work since I started this last round of work on the book on September 27th, I must say that I am truly inspired as I am noticing the excellent articles that I have written on vision. At the same time, I am looking at the client testimonials and I am feeling inspired by their experience along with my own.
Once this book is “editor ready” I’ll be able to shift into an entirely new level of creativity.
10am and I am finished the review of the 210 articles and I have finished up with 212 – 8 ½ x 11 pages.
I made a lot of progress on the back end of the review of the articles because I designated a number of the articles to Book Number Two.
To get the book “editor ready” I have to complete the following;
• Paste the Power Point audio text and Power Point slides together. I could paste all of this into the Book Document although this may confuse the editor. It is best to leave this as a side by side document so the editor can compare it to the Book Document.
• Add Segments from the Power Point audio text and Power Point slides Document to the Book Document
• Paste new Power Point Slides into the book. This is because new Power Points have been created since May 2007 which is when the Power Point audio text was created which I have been matching the articles to
• Create “Notes To The Editor” to get them through the 212 pages in the rough draft of the book.
While the editor goes to work I will be working on the following;
• Create a Workbook which is really an enhancement of the last articles in the Book Document
• Collect and add in client testimonials
• There is more to add into these steps and this will wait till after the Book Document has gone to the editor
Now we just have to find an editor.

International Values and Behavioral Analyst, Business Coach, Speaker and Author
Executive Coaching Tips for Financial Advisors
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