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Lots Of Giggling & Laugher and Be Aware Of What You Wish For

Lots of giggling and laugher is what I have been hearing from Laura’s office on Thursday and Friday and this is because Laura is calling Financial Advisors to schedule a telephone call with me after hearing me speak and they checked off the following on our Speaking Response Form;

__ Please call me, I am ready to make changes to my business.

The giggling and laughter is because they are sharing their enthusiastic feedback about the speaking presentations and it is great to be able to hear this and it makes it very easy for Laura to schedule because of the value that the Financial Advisors have already received.

The testimonials are still coming in by e-mail;

Hi Laura, Thank you so much for the E-Newsletter and please extend our thanks and congratulations to Simon for his excellent presentations. We are all agreed that he is the best Speaker and Presentor in the Summit.

I was reviewing my notes in my journal that I wrote about our intention / goals / projections for the number of Financial Advisors that we were expecting to check off the following on our Speaking Response Form;

__ Please call me, I am ready to make changes to my business.

I projected the following;

• # of Financial Advisors that we see me in both presentations;

• 350 – Attendees Presentation # 1
• 300 – Attendees Presentation # 2

• 650 – Total

• 13 – 2% Projection / Please Call Me

This is what happened;

• # of Financial Advisors that we see me in both presentations;

• 350 – Attendees Presentation # 1
• 325 – Attendees Presentation # 2

• 675 – Total

• 31 – 4.6% Actual / Please Call Me

What have we learned?

To be reasonable in our intention / goals / projections so that we don’t get hooked into “need” because it rhymes with “greed”.

At the same time, many are called and few will be ready to answer the call.

With respect to the souls of the beings that I will be speaking to, their ego minds may have too strong a grip on some of them and I would suggest that about 1/3 of the 31 that checked off “Please call me, I am ready to make changes to my business” will actually become clients and that is all I have room for at this time.

The grandfather of the work that I do is Abraham Maslow.

I have discovered that if you have an unmet need of safety, you will likely have limiting beliefs and limiting emotions.

So if one has an unmet need of safety writes Maslow, then one will have “a fear of knowing” so the subconscious mind keeps a person;

• Working harder and harder with the same techniques hoping and hoping that someday that they will get over not having a vision or business plan or asking for referrals or making cold calls ( BTW – cold calling is a waste of time – they should actually call it fear calling ).

If one is busy then they can continue to medicate and they don’t get to the bottom of why one feels like they do and why they are experiencing poor results.

The “fear of knowing” segues into the “fear of doing” because how much do we want to do if knowing pulls us out of the safety zone and we are right back where we started?

When there is understanding there is no fear.