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Keep Your Business Resolutions For 2014 by Tessie Sanci

Thank you to Tessie Sanci of Investment Executive for including my comments in the following article:

Learn from last year’s successes and aim for value, not money.

New year’s resolutions are infamous for being broken. By February, many people will have forgotten their plans to exercise more or cut sweets out of their diet.

As a professional financial advisor, you can’t afford to let your business resolutions or goals suffer the same fate.

Simon Reilly, founder of Leading Advisor in Parksville, B.C., has three tips to help keep you on the track to success in 2014:

1. Remind yourself of past successes

You might think your business resolutions are all about looking forward — but not so fast! Your past accomplishments can be an important motivating factor in helping you reach your new goals.

Break down the goals you set for 2013 into monthly segments. What did you achieve in last year, and how did those accomplishments make you feel?

“I guarantee that by the time you get to February,” Reilly says, “you’re going to say: ‘Wow! I can’t believe how much I got done’.”

For example, maybe you accomplished your 2013 goal of increasing your assets under management by 25%. If you have a similar goal for 2014, remind yourself of the excitement you felt last year.

Click here to read the full article Keep Your Business Resolutions for 2014, by Tessie Sanci, Investment Executive, January 2, 2014