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It’s E-Newsletter Time Again

Yesterday’s shuttle launch brought a thought or reflection that reminded me of my science project and NASA landing a man on the moon back in 1969. Whatever your politics are …

God Speed

This Blog will serve to provide the Topics for the July 1st E-Newsletter.

Yes I know it is July 5th at this writing and the July 1st E-Newsletter Publication date will OK even if it is mid July given that it is summer.

Creating an E-Newsletter is actually quite simple.

Step 1 is Creating The Menu.

Creating The Menu is done through;

Reflecting what has Come To Mind over the past week or so and Reviewing Articles that I have Written Relating To Client Issues;

These are the Titles that Stand Out;

– January 2007 Retreat
– Teleclasses
– Are Unmet Needs Negatively Influencing The Vision, Purpose & Mission Of Your Business?
– CE Credits
– Get Your September In Gear
– One On One Intensives
– Affluenza & Salesfluenza

I’m now taking a look at the Blog Titles for the Past Month of June and the following titles stand out to me for the reasons given. One reason in particular that comes to mind was about making the commitment to do a Play By Play Set Of Blogs of the Development & Delivery of the Private Client Retreat that Laura & I delivered June 25th – June 27th.

This Blog Title review is turning out to be a very self indulgent process as it started out to provide value for my readers and it has turned into reflecting that the Blog has turned into a daily E-Newsletter. Additional self indulgence is it gives me the opportunity to review what has been going on with my clients and my practice over the past 30-days.

Self indulgent or not, the Blogs & E-Newsletters are offered to provide my clients and prospective clients with an opportunity to get to know me and my business as I build it through this unique style of marketing.

These are the Play By Play Blog Titles of the Development & Delivery of the Private Client Retreat;

– June 19, 2006 – But Alas, If I Were To Own These Cars Today, They Would Own Me!
– June 21, 2006 – 120 + Power Point Slides & Counting
– June 22, 2006 – Have You Heard The Expression –
– June 23, 2006 – There Are Very Few People In The World That Get To Do What They Love –
– June 26, 2006 – How Engaged Are You?
– June 27, 2006 – Retreat Treasure Hunters
– June 28, 2006 – Vision Without Action Is A Daydream, Action Without Vision Is A Nightmare
– June 29, 2006 – Retreat Response

The real benefit to this process is that we will continue to introduce the January 2007 Retreat, offer potential participants a Play By Play of the Development & Delivery through the above noted E-Mails along with Tele-Classes to answer question s about the January 2007 Retreat & The Leading Advisor Coaching Program.

At the end of this process it is clear that there is far too much to offer in one E-Newsletter and some of the content will serve for forthcoming Blogs and E-Newsletters.

* * *

The June 20th Blog contained a great Testimonial from Doug Knight, President of Advocis North Okanagan & Knight Financial in Kelowna;

“Simon’s speaking presentation, “Removing The Mental Roadblocks To High Productivity”, causes you to critically reflect on yourself and your practice to determine if you are really achieving what you want out of your business. It forces the question, Are you honestly look at building a business with a vision or just making a living?”

Doug Knight
President, Advocis North Okanagan
Knight Financial, Kelowna, BC

June 16th Blog – A Summary Of The Best Of Profit, Success & Worthwhile Magazines

June 15th Blog – A great Testimonial from Alex Nicholson of Pro-Seminars;

Alex Nicholson of Pro-Seminars followed me out of my June 14th, Pro-Seminars Ottawa Presentation and said, “A client just pulled me aside and said “Out of all the presenters that you have offered, Simon Reilly is the best presenter that you have ever had”.

Alex Nicholson
Vice President

June 14th Blog – Using Mind Maps via Mind Genius

June 12th Blog – A Summary of Faith Popcorn’s Predictions

June 10th Blog – Our January 2007 Retreat Launch

June 9th Blog – A Summary Of The Leading Advisor Coaching System

June 8th Blog – A Summary of the Titles for the July E-Newsletter & Another great Testimonial from Alex Nicholson of Pro-Seminars;

Alex Nicholson Testimonial – “Simon is clearly one of our most passionate and inspiring speakers. We are pleased to be able to provide our audiences with Simon’s unique and scientific approach that shows financial advisors how to lay the foundation for a practice based on advising vs. selling, wealth management and referrals. By the end of 2006, Simon will have completed over 25 speaking presentations for Pro-Seminars right across Canada to hundreds and hundreds of financial advisors to nothing short of rave reviews.”

Alex Nicholson
Vice President

June 7th Blog – A Review On Creating A Vision PowerPoint

June 6th Blog – An amusing yet sad article entitled Pay Cash For A Boat Or End A 5 Year Struggle?

June 5th Blog – A Book Title “Advising versus Selling” + A Chronological List Of Significant Books

June 3rd Blog – Day 5 Of An Off Week

June 2nd Blog – My Best Book List

June 1st Blog – The Benefits Of Cleaning Up Your Office