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It Is Not Easy, Nothing Ever Is

Here are my beliefs about offering professional speaking to introduce my business.

With the right message, energy, values, beliefs and inspiration, there are people in the audience that are there to hear my message and they will come forward to enroll or provide other speaking opportunities or principals of companies will ask me to come into their company to provide consulting that includes succession and team building work.

The 1pm Pro-Seminars Toronto Presentation was outstanding. I offered a free 12 day e-course that 25% of the audience signed up for and then it happened –

A member of the audience approached me and asked me to provide consulting that includes succession and team building work for their team.

Life is like a box of chocolates – you never know what you are going to get. I was in Calgary last month speaking at a Calgary Pro-Seminars event and from that opportunity a client called up and enrolled over the phone just yesterday – it is about providing value and clients will buy when they are ready.

It’s about 5:30pm Toronto time on Wednesday so I’m writing this early as I have an early flight home first thing.

Happy landings!