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In The Niche

How does one know if they are niche marketing?

When they have developed a list of business contacts that they have rapport with, that are decision makers, who are in charge of bringing in public speakers, in associations and businesses that serve the financial advisor profession.

I guess that is us.

Laura and I sat down on Monday afternoon and reviewed the list of business contacts that we have rapport with, that are decision makers, who are in charge of bringing in public speakers, in associations and businesses that serve the financial advisor profession.

We then took action and sent out follow up e-mails.

We received the following reply within minutes.

Hi Simon,

Thanks for your stick to it with me. I would really like to talk with you over coffee in Jan if your time permits.

I have several events throughout the year so once I have looked at your material we can then decide on our next course of action,

Warm regards,

J. Doe