This Blog is published very early as I am booked on Monday morning.
Friday took the cake.
I don’t know why I tolerate the behavior of some clients at times.
My client had what they call a “Beach Day Meeting” in their office right after our call. Sort of like Casual Fridays where everyone wears jeans. In this case, everyone wears beach clothing to the office – that kind of thing. My client while assertive, is playful at the same time taking the beach day a few steps further bringing a beach umbrella, beach ball and other beach items to the meeting. Playing “full on” so to speak.
So in the process of having a conversation about their marketing plan I can hear a noise.
What is that noise?
Oh! I’m blowing up my ducky!
– photo courtesy of
Great I said to the client! 🙂 I’m offering you advice on a marketing plan on how to make a significant change to your marketing plan and you are blowing up your ducky! 🙂
The Attraction Marketing Plan – Draft
Step 1
Questions to ask yourself;
What are your interests?
What do you have experience in?
What do you see as emerging trends?
What can you tell a significant story about your life experience that is value added (over and above financial information) that is related to issues that your clients are going through?
– Elderly parents
– Reinvention at 50 – 60
– Communication with generation Y and X?
– Affluenza
– Succession planning
– The passing of a loved one
Step 2
What can you tell a significant story about your life expereince that is value added (over and above financial information) that is related to issues that your clients are going through?
Start every one of your conversations and presentations with this story. It makes you personal and real and helps your clients associate to the issues that you may be able to help them with.
Step 3
Who are your best 30 clients?
Step 4
Questions ask your best clients;
What are their interests?
What are some of the issues that they are facing in their lives?
What associations do they belong to?
What are their hobbies?
What have been some of the life changing events that they have experienced?
What are the three biggest challenges that they are facing today?
What magazines do they read and why? What are some of the most memorable articles?
What TV programs do they watch and why?
Step 5
What areas of interest do your clients have in common?
What areas of interest do you have in common with your clients?
Step 6
Become an expert.
Go to the magazine store and look through magazines for articles about the common areas of interest.
Search the internet.
Step 7
Depending on your area of expertise –
Create an e-newsletter or newsletter.
You can simply photo copy the articles
You can write your own based on the subject matter that you have learned
Step 8
Develop a data base and send your e-newsletter or newsletter ever month or every other month – stay in touch.
Step 9
Write mini articles and create advertorial ads.
Step 10
Create a seminar for your clients about the common areas of interest.
Step 11
Create a blog and web site
Step 12
Speak, speak, speak -.
Prospective clients will approach you and thank you for your insight. “What is it that you do again?”
Step 13
Be seen as the expert versus another salesperson.

International Values and Behavioral Analyst, Business Coach, Speaker and Author
Executive Coaching Tips for Financial Advisors
Speaking at a City Near You