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I Didn’t Know You Did That

The following video and unedited video transcript (below) reveal how we help Financial Advisors pivot their business.

To watch the “I Didn’t Know You Did That” Video: Click Here.

Welcome to “I didn’t know you did that.”

I thought I’d explain some of the more advanced client work that we’re engaged in.

After we help our clients to change their mindset, to free up their time to do more of what they want to do, more of what they love to do, they often ask us to work with them on more advanced work.

Our foundational, inspirational coaching always includes writing a five-year vision and business plan.

So we help our clients to pivot their business.

We work with a lot of agencies where the owners want their team to be able to pivot.

We first work with the business owners to help them to pivot to realize that not everyone on the team has the values and behavioral mindset to pivot.

Prospecting and sales coaching.

We work with our clients, Associate advisors on prospect and sales coaching.

First of all, to get them unstuck, and then to strengthen their prospecting and sales process.

This is provided, the Associate Advisor has the right values and behavioral mindset.


I was on a recent call with a client who expressed frustration with their marketing company that overpromised and did not do a very good job writing website content and marketing articles.

We have a team of research and copywriters.

I asked my client for the opportunity, rewrote the first marketing article of 4 with 0 changes required.

So, happy client.


We provide our clients with a complete package for hiring licensed assistants and associate advisors, and the package includes: writing the job description, placing the ads, interviewing, assessing, and presenting qualified and sustainable candidates to our clients.

Don’t make the mistake of hiring on your own. Falling in love with the first hire and six months later, it’s a fatal attraction.

Prospect qualification and closed process.

Our coaching calls are automatically recorded and transcribed. And this allows me to understand, document, and edit the prospect, qualification, and closed process for our clients.

Team meetings.

Our one-on-one coaching often graduates, where we’re working with a principal advisor in a team setting with either their successor or their licensed associate advisors.

Marketing plans.

I’m working with several inter-generational financial advisors where I’m conducting interviews, transcribing interviews, and creating the copy for their website and their marketing material.

The leading advisor agency that I’ve been thinking about for the past year is already a reality.

What can we help you with?

So stay tuned to Simon TV, where I’ll talk more about how to unmind.

I’ll see you next time.