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How To Turn One’s Present Into A Fear Based Pile Of Sh*t

I forgot to wake up yesterday.

Meaning my Ego was awake and I didn’t awaken my Being – not until about 10:30am which is when I am writing this.

Yesterday was my first day back since January 20th after being off for almost 10 days with moving.

Most of my energy was invested in moving and setting up my residence. While I moved the business and the communications systems, little energy if any was invested in setting up the new business.

Remember what Stephen R. Covey said; “Begin With The End In Mind”.

Instead of waking up after being off for 10 days and reading my Vision and Business Plan, my Ego got me hooked in the never ending To Do’s that will undoubtedly follow being off for 10 days along with moving. All of this will contribute and Turn One’s Present Into A Fear Based Pile Of Sh*t.

My office day started out with what appeared to be a normal course of action.

I sat down and reviewed the different areas of my business and wrote down all of the things that needed attention after being off for 10days. Things like:

– Write Monday’s Blog
– Review and reply to the past 10 days of e-mail and record items for future action (read e-newsletters as an example)
– Client communication and preparation for this week
– Meeting with Laura
– Send out a communication of the new phone numbers
– Pro-Seminars e-mail follow up
– Delegate the phone number changes on the web site
– Prospect follow ups
– Public speaking preparation for February 14th
– Accountant review
– Budget review for January
– Payables

Great progress was made doing the following things:

– Write Monday’s Blog
– Review and reply to the past 10 days of e-mail and record items for future action (e-newsletters as an example)
– Client communication and preparation for this week
– Meeting with Laura
– Send out a communication of the new phone numbers
– Pro-Seminars e-mail follow up
– Delegate the phone number changes on the web site

After these were all completed or well on their way to being completed I or rather my Ego started to notice an uneasiness starting to come over me as I, or rather my Ego was looking for the next urgent thing to do.

Looking for the next urgent thing to do is a habitual behavior of the Ego mind that hooks us into the unmet needs of security as an example; that hooks us into limiting beliefs that there isn’t enough time and there is too much to do and the emotions of anxiety go along with it.

By this time, my Ego mind which is now hooked into anxiety by all the things that my Ego mind believes has to be done, is consumed by it’s addiction to thinking by going from one thought to the next thought of what my Ego mind believes has to be done, to the next, to the next to the – 🙂 It is kind of like what happens when you move going from one box to the next box, to the next box, to the next box. Life is like a box a chocolates, you never know what you are going to get. Better stop and clarify your Vision or you could get a box of –

So unless one takes the time to stop and wake up to their Being, the Ego will not stop.

We all know what we should do. The question is what do you do?

I chose to wake up.

Take a moment to appreciate the work that I have completed.

Begin the next moment in a being awake state and approach it as if it is a brand new day.

From the place I have two choices;

Choice #1

– Read my Vision and Business Plan my Ego
– List my Projects, Prioritize my Projects, Schedule my Projects

Choice #2

– Turn One’s Present Into A Fear Based Pile Of Sh*t

I am writing this entry at 7am on Tuesday, January 31st, 2006. I’ve read my Vision & Business Planning Documents in an awakened state of being.

How absurd! To think – but “I” didn’t think! I let my Ego do the thinking. My Ego tricked me into thinking that I could invest 10 days in relocating focusing almost entirely on the residential move, unpack and reorganize and walk back into my business and hit the ground running.

Now it is time, with my Vision & Business Planning Documents in an awakened state of being to nurture the business move, unpack and reorganize putting systems back in place.

Whew! I’m glad I got over that one really quick!