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How To Recession Proof Your Business

Laura and I had a great time seeing the most remarkable comedian / public speaker on earth in Nanaimo on Tuesday night.

Ron James whistled right on past funny … in fact funny does not describe this man’s talent … he started at around 8pm and did not missed a beat until 10pm … I laughed so hard I could not stop the tears of uncontrollable laugher that went on and on and on. If you ever get to see him live, don’t miss it. Here’s a link to Ron James’s Performance Videos.

I used Ron’s enthusiasm to catapult me into writing an article on How To Recession Proof Your Business at 4:30am on Wednesday morning.

One of the points of the article is “do what you fear” so I did.

I delivered the How To Recession Proof Your Business, live, uncut and without a power point at 9am this morning to Pro-Seminars in Vancouver.

It was a hit and I have a recoding of the presentation that we will make into a downloadable audio and we will transcribe the presentation for the e-newsletter and an audio booklet. So if you want to make sure that you receive a copy of the audio booklet, please subscribe to my free e-newsletter.

It’s 10:45am and I have to go to catch a Harbor Air Float Plane from Vancouver back to Nanaimo.

I have 1 ½ days of Buffer Days ahead for planning and I have a one on one live planning session with a client on Friday.