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How Come We Have To Sometimes Be At Our Worst?

I suppose Sci-Fi allowed me to find a safe space allowing me to disassociate from my perception of my childhood which was like hell on earth.

Today I’m still a Sci-Fi fan and Laura and I recently saw the latest version of The Day The Earth Stood Still.

There is a scene where Helen Benson played by Jennifer Connolly is pleading with the space man Klaatu played by Keanu Reaves not to allow Gort, the robot to destroy the earth for our sins against the environment. Klaatu’s words still ring through me; “If the earth dies, you die. If you die, the earth lives”.

Helen Benson reminded Klaatu of the same thing said by the Starman played by Jeff Bridges to Jenny Hayden played by Karen Allen in the 1984 film Starman.

“You are at your best when you are at your worst”.

At this time of renewal when we are at our worst with; the dependence on oil, an environment at risk, a failing infrastructure, global warming, genocide, fears of a pandemic, a struggling economy, terrorism, rising unemployment and wars on a number of fronts.

Will we decide to be at our best?

What are you doing to be at your best every single day?