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Going To Bed Early Really Works

Going to bed early on Tuesday night for a 4am wake up on Wednesday morning did the trick and after a full day of coaching clients I am caught up with all my e-mails.

Sometimes I do what I have to do as I dreaded the thought of starting this morning with incomplete work.

Do you think that it is just me? The client on my 8:15am call mentioned that they were up at 3:30am on one morning last week looking after a group of out of town clients.

I don’t know if it is the time of year or that removing your roadblocks is really working as the coaching work is getting more and more complex which is requiring a lot more custom work.

I’m leaving at 6am tomorrow morning (Thursday) to catch 7am flight to Richmond, BC for a 9am Pro-Seminars speaking presentation and then I will use a day room at the hotel for a few client calls and then catch a late afternoon flight home.

Thank goodness for our time management planning. I have one more day (Friday) of back to back coaching and then the weekend is off.

Next week has one coaching day on Tuesday so I will have plenty of free time except for flying to Gatineau, Quebec on Thursday in advance of a custom 2 ½ hour workshop that I am presenting on Saturday for the most successful financial advisors that represent The CUMIS Group.