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Getting Things Done

“Getting Things Done” by David Allen

Thursday’s spare time was invested between clients wrapping up the past three weeks.

I am getting reorganized by combining all of my actions steps in the following areas to review so that I can resort and reprioritize them by project, determine the next action, schedule or delegate the next action and repeat the process. I’m doing this because things feel like they have gotten away from me and it feels like everything is an “A” priority and I have lost perspective.

Areas to review:

• Computer Desk Top (open documents)
• Computer Documents Created In Mind Genius, MS Excel, MS Work
• E-Mail Inbox
• E-Mail Sent
• Maximizer
• Desk
• Journal
• Files To Be Created
• Travel Files

Late in my day I was speaking with Glennis Deslippe of Integral Financial Services and Glennis mentioned a book called “Getting Things Done” by David Allen.

After that Laura handed my latest edition of Business 2.0 and the issue includes a feature article on “Getting Things Done” by David Allen. With the information age and with the overwhelm of information magnified by blackberries, cell phones, digital cameras, laptops, palm pilots, pcs and productivity software, David is making millions with his coaching, cds, books, seminars and workshops by helping people get back to basics. He has even got a certification program.

Bravo! Someone is teaching how to get back to basics versus being hypnotized by gadget makers with bullsh*t that you too can be productive with your master plan on the device the size of a thumbnail.

I read the article. What is it all about? Not to sound too simplistic … and I believe the book his worth a read.

I am getting reorganized by combining all of my actions steps in the following areas to review so that I can resort and reprioritize them by project, determine the next action, schedule or delegate the next action and repeat the process. I’m doing this because things feel like they have gotten away from me and it feels like everything is an “A” priority and I have lost perspective.

You can read the article here; How David Allen mastered getting things done.

Here is link to David Allen’s Web Site.