I am extremely happy today on Tuesday, November 19, 2007 at 2:40pm ET on my way back from my Public Speaking Presentation of Removing Your Roadblocks To Success to Pro-Seminars in London, ON.
The reason that I say this is because my speaking delivery was effortless because I cut the usual 110 slides by more than half to about 50. The quality of my delivery was confirmed by Peter Lantos of The Elite Advisor. Click here to subscribe to Peter’s – The Elite Advisor E-Newsletter.
Two improvements that I will make will include;
• Remembering to advise the members of the audience that in order to Subscribe To My Free E-Newsletter, they must hand the form into me at the end of the presentation. If I don’t remember to tell me to hand in the E-Newsletter Subscription Form, it does not happen.
• While I asked the audience to subscriber to a “Free” E-Newsletter, I think that I may have closed too hard at the end. I had this really dumb ass idea at the last minute.
Well maybe not, you be the judge …
Are you worth it? I believe you are worth investing in yourself.
Here’s why I believe it.
I woke up on Sunday at 4:45am and flew to London, ON and arrived at 6:15pm last night to speak with you this morning at 8am. I’ll fly back this morning.
🙂 – What an ass.
These comments completely invalidated the notion that clients will buy from you when they like you, trust you, when they get value and when they are ready.
Another reason to be happy is today’s gig was a dry run because I plan to film both the Removing Your Roadblocks Speaking Presentations that I am going to do on November 26th for Pro-Seminars in Richmond, BC and for The Independent Financial Brokers Summit in Vancouver, BC.
The filming will enable us to produce a New Removing Your Roadblocks Video as the one that we did a year ago simply isn’t up to today’s standards.
As expected, my London, ON Pro-Seminars Presentation attracted the Starfish That I Was Looking For.
Here is what I meant by this Blog Title of “From Time To Time I Surrender To Time”.
To me, it is interesting that this is my first speaking trip since I returned on Thursday, October 26th absolutely exhausted from an eight day trip where I presented four speaking presentations in Ontario. The eight day Ontario trip was the second eight day speaking trip since September 1st and while away, I used every extra moment to write my book so mission accomplished … sort of … I got the book almost editor ready and I again, I was exhausted in the process.
Since then, I have taken my weekends completely off and have even created a few three day weekends along the way.
To re-change my batteries I have also taken a good look at my time management.
In the past, to maximize my client and writing time, I scheduled my client coaching time back to back from 7am – 5pm, Tuesday – Friday on the 1st and 3rd weeks of the month and Tuesday on the 2nd and 4th weeks of the month.
This allows me Monday on the 1st and 3rd week of the month and Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday on the 2nd & 4th weeks of the month for Business Planning, Speaking and Writing.
I have followed this rather intense schedule since the beginning of the year and given that we are approaching the last two speaking gigs of the year along with the Holidays as well as we are on track for our goals, I am changing or surrendering to a new schedule.
At the same time, I admit that I made a mistake by booking myself back to back as it was unsustainable … well not quite … I did it for 11 months … at the same time, I want some balance … note that I only did this to get the book done … sometimes one has to stretch.
My new schedule will be created by adding a coaching day on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month and this will allow me 2 ½ hours per coaching day for breaks and misc business management items.
To manage time one has to surrender and manage time.
I had taken multi-tasking and time management to the max and it is time for a break.

International Values and Behavioral Analyst, Business Coach, Speaker and Author
Executive Coaching Tips for Financial Advisors
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