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Following “Simple Plan”

Montreal’s Simple Plan was the Guest Mentor Band or Artist on this week’s Canadian Idol.

The show’s format that we see are clips of the Guest Mentor Band or Artist meeting and offering coaching and comments to each competitor to be the next Canadian Idol and then the competitor performs on the show.

Simple Plan’s comments were brilliant and resonated with me because they fit public speaking as well;

“Stop trying to please everyone because that will turn people off”.

“Be true to yourself, find the most challenging person in the audience and pour your energy into them and you will win them over. You will feed off of pouring your energy into that person and that will make you better.”

“Win them over one person at a time.”

“Live concert goers love Canadian artists because they are great live acts and they get really good because Canada is such a large country with a small population and they have to travel a lot and do a lot of gigs”.