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Financial Planner Coaching – Leading Your Team

Here is copy of a coaching call follow e-mail that I sent to one of my clients this week.

Dear John Doe,

Thank you for yesterday’s coaching call.

How did you make out with your planning?

I’m looking forward to receiving the planning work that you did to offer my comments / feedback.

Here is the link to listen to yesterday’s call; XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Here are my thoughts from our call;

• It is about leadership … there is NO they are not doing their job, negative consequences, riot act and that I will have to lay the hammer down. All this will do is breed hatred and they will sabotage you with the very thing that you are trying to avoid
• Leadership is;
o Taking the time to …
o Get associated to your values because values are the foundation of your compelling beliefs and feelings that your business and your life are based on. Here is an example of a values affirmation; I observe my value of wisdom is being communicated through this “coaching call follow up e-mail” and therefore I feel certain, committed and confident that my values, beliefs and feelings are going to influence my clients into taking positive action.
o Empty your mind of all projects and actions
o Prioritize by A-B-C and by date. Are your priorities realistic?
o Schedule your A priorities remembering to schedule the time for your own planning first and foremost
o Determine what to delegate
o Meet with your team members
o Let them know what you believe and what your goals are for the company – give them vision
o Acknowledge them for the positive things that they are doing
o Communicate your projects/actions, priorities, deadlines and expectations
o Follow your meeting up in writing via e-mail
o Meet with them 48 and 24 hours before the deadline of what you want done and ask them if they have any questions
o Get that your assistants will do whatever you tell them to do and if you don’t tell them and document the next step it may not get done and the incompletion is about your leadership
o This process will eliminate all of you feeling like victims that you can’t seem to do anything right
o Given that fear is rampant through the airwaves, double your commitment to meditation, clearing your mind and giving thanks
o Make sure that you invest your time to clear your mind privately versus venting your stuff through others

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.
