Its 7:33am CST and I’m in Winnipeg, MB waiting to board my 8:45am flight to Toronto, ON and then onto Moncton, NB.
Financial Advisors not keeping in contact is considered to be the number one reason why clients change to another Financial Advisor and this was confirmed time and time again by many speakers at the Independent Financial Brokers Summit in November of 2006.
Financial Advisors not keeping in contact with their clients relates to a number of Unmet Needs that the dysfunctional ego mind tricks the Financial Advisor into thinking that the Unmet Need can be met through the client. An Unmet Need cannot be met by a client, achievement, possession or anything else – it must be met from within.
The Unmet Need to Prove keeps Financial Advisors selling and selling and selling. As one speaker at the Independent Financial Brokers Summit put it, Financial Advisors wear the number of clients that they have on their chest like a badge as if to say and “Prove” “look how great I am”.
The Unmet Need of Approval drives both the Financial Advisor to both:
– Wear the number of clients that they have on their chest like a badge as if to say and “Prove” “look how great I am”.
– Pursuit the new client, unknowingly being driven by an Unmet Need to gain Approval from the client and my evidence for this is the Financial Advisor promises and promises and promises many, many things in order to get the sale that they will later regret because they find it impossible to find the time to live up to their Unmet Needs based promises.
The Unmet Need of Safety contributes to the Financial Advisor not having the time to follow up with their clients. When an Unmet Need is present, the Unmet Need generates Limiting Beliefs.
Examples are:
– Safety – I don’t have enough money. I don’t have enough time. I don’t have enough clients.
– Prove – I don’t believe that I am good enough. Therefore I promise and promise and talk and talk and talk to keep up both the selling with the hopes that the client will somehow fulfill the Unmet Need that the Financial Advisor is trying to fulfill while at the same time, creating a self fulfilling prophecy that “You are not good enough” because you don’t follow thorough with your promises.
Approval – People don’t appreciate what I do for them. I’m worried about what people think.
The Unmet Need of Approval contributes to both over promising and guilt.
The over promising has gone on and on and on and because of it the Financial Advisor feels overwhelmed with the number of clients that they have to deal with and the volume of paperwork and promises that they are trying to keep. They are tired out. This triggers the Limiting Beliefs of “People don’t appreciate what I do for them and I’m worried about what people think”.
All of this contributes to the Guilt and the feelings that go with it and this is blocks the Financial Advisor from making the call to the client because they believe that it has been so long.
Will they fulfill your Unmet Needs based Limiting Beliefs of “People don’t appreciate what I do for them and I’m worried about what people think”?
They are going to find out because the client is going to leave.

International Values and Behavioral Analyst, Business Coach, Speaker and Author
Executive Coaching Tips for Financial Advisors
Speaking at a City Near You