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Financial Advisor Coaching Clients Continue To Stream In

I let my financial advisor speaking presentations over the last two weeks in Banff, Ottawa and Calgary catch up with me on Wednesday night heading to bed at 8pm for 10 hours of well deserved sleep.

It is always nice to speak at an event and be invited back for 2009 at the end of the 2008 presentation. I am happy to announce that I’ll be speaking at Advocis Ottawa on September 17th, 2009. Here is a speaking testimonial from the Advocis Ottawa 2009 Program Chair;
“Simon’s Clear Your Roadblocks Speaking Presentation was blunt, upfront, honest and he told the real truth.  He shared insights to help financial advisors understand the roadblocks and take action towards creating new business rather than resting on their service commissions and trailer fees.  Some say that my position as the Advocis Ottawa 2009 Program Chair will be a challenging one. Simon’s presentation helped me to understand how to be more proactive and inspired me to take action now to get 25% of the 2009 Program Chair work done in 2008.”
John Saikaley
Desjardins Financial Security
Advocis Ottawa Program Chair (2009)
Ottawa, ON
New clients continue to stream in and here are excerpts from two e-mails that I sent out to our new clients on Thursday.
#1 – Here are the goals that we will achieve as a result of our work together;
  • Clear your unmet needs, limiting beliefs and limiting emotions that are likely driving you to be a super achiever, wearing too many hats, doing far too much, in reaction versus action and preventing you from saying no which is causing you to do $20 per hour work while you should be Seeing The People
  • We will also take a practical approach to;
  • Identifying projects and responsibilities
  • Prioritize projects and responsibilities
  • ID the action steps
  • Estimate the time to complete
  • Determine who should do the tasks
  • Create a sales / income projection based on you not doing the tasks
  • Create a vision to get buy-in from your partner to capitalize your freedom
  • Delegate 
#2 – Here are the goals that we will achieve as a result of our work together;
  • Clear your unmet needs, limiting beliefs and limiting emotions
  • Increase your confidence
  • Improve your focus and direction
  • Come from a place of adding value versus feeling like a salesperson
  • Implement a consistent marketing plan to enable you to fulfill your burning desire to tell your incredible story
  • Create a way to get a return on investment from your marketing plan
  • Ask for and receive more referrals
  • Reignite your town hall meetings
  • Eliminate stress and tension
  • Become your clients financial architect
  • Have more fun