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Excellent IFB Summit Feedback


We received a recent letter from The Independent Financial Brokers in follow up to the presentations that I delivered at the May 27 & 28 IFB Toronto Spring Summit.

Here are the results from the 134 survey respondents out of the 597 Delegates that attended my presentations;

How To Thrive In A Recession

• Content: 80%
• Presentation: 81%

Removing Your Roadblocks

• Content: 90%
• Presentation: 91%

Here are a few more speaking testimonials from The Independent Financial Brokers May 27 & 28 IFB Toronto Spring Summit;

“Your presentation was the best of the entire Toronto Spring Summit.”
Rachel Valliere
Taylor Financial
rachel.valliere @ simpatico.ca

“Reinforced what I know yet needed to hear again. The importance of being a life insurance advisor.”
Monica Olenroot
monica @ dch.ca

“I have the knowledge and desire, I lack the vision and need to understand my values and set my goals. Simon reminds you that you’re in control, you need a vision and set goal to achieve it.”
Jim Brough
Edward Jones
jjm.brough @ edwardjones.com