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Envision/Build The Producer Group And It Will Come

I had a conversation with a self evolved client that is searching for a way to grow their business. We discussed joining a bank – not entrepreneurial enough, a captive agency – too structured and then the notion of a producer group came to mind.

My request to my client was to write a vision of the producer group that they would like to attract by answering the following questions;

• What are the values and vision of the producer group?

• What geographic area does the producer group serve?

• What are the business planning strategies of the producer group?

• What are the areas of expertise/ product specialty of each member of the producer group?
• What accreditations does the producer group have?

• How is the support team structured?

• What does the office environment look like?
• What computer systems and technologies does the producer group use?

• What are the marketing strategies of the producer group?
• What niche markets does the producer group serve?
• What does the web site look like?
• What e-marketing strategies does the producer r group use?

• What training does the producer group continue to aspire to?