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Empowerment Coaching For The Financial Planner – How To Cope With The Financial Crisis

No matter how hard you try, you can’t get away from the financial crisis.

Saturday’s Vancouver Sun was The Economy Edition – Inside The Crisis, like it will be a commemorative that I want to share with family and friends along with my stamp collection.

As a financial advisor coach, I really have empathy for financial advisors and financial planners. Even when they are away from their clients and the office they are being asked how to cope with the financial crisis by their drycleaner all the way through to their pastor.

It is the same for me, it seems like everywhere I go and I mean everywhere I go people are asking me how to cope with the financial crisis.

Last Thursday’s trip to my doctor for my yearly check-up was an example.

I’m waiting for doctor in his private office awaiting the dreaded prostrate exam and I’m looking at the poster on the wall of Noah’s Arch with a tag line of “we are all in this together”.

My doctor comes in and we go through the questions of if I have any chest pain, am I sleeping and if I am regular, out comes the stethoscope to check my breathing, then we are into the private parts and the dreaded prostrate check and my doctor says “so, I hear Iceland just went broke!”

I was having a peaceful afternoon until that experience feeling like I had to run home to turn on CNN to see if Iceland is going under and causing a black whole and pulling in Greenland, Canada, Ireland and England along with it.

Here are a few ideas on how to cope with the financial crisis;

Turn off CNN. You can always subscribe to their e-mail news service and you will get an e-mail in advance if there is going to be a global economic collapse. There will be plenty of time to get to Costco for some sacks of flour and rice. If you feel like you need to be in the know, check the news when you get to the office, at noon and at the end of the day. Turn off CNN during the day and focus on adding value to your clients and prospects. Stop checking the Asian markets in the evening to see what the next day might bring to the North American markets. What are you going to do about it anyway other than ruining your sleep and worrying all night long if the news is bad?

Wake up 30 minutes early. In a quiet place, light a candle and sit looking into the flame. No matter what your faith, this will help you to focus your mind on watching nothing other than the flame. Practice an affirmation like “certain, confident, committed” over and over again as you stare into the candle flame training your mind on the candle flame and the affirmation for 30 minutes.

You have a choice to focus on peace of mind or the obsessive and never ending fear based thoughts of the mind which are generated by your unmet needs.

If you can’t sit still for 30 minutes you have to wonder what this is about.


Curing The Unmet Needs Disease

How to Prosper in Business by Meeting Your Unmet Needs

Financial Advisor Edition