Today was a landmark day as Duncan Robinson & I offered a brand new presentation to the Vancouver audience at Pro-Seminars.
Part of the focus of the presentation offered that the Leading Advisor Coaching System can be used to eliminate the blocks that advisors face when trying to create a Vision, Brand, Niche and all the of the pieces in between.
While I am not sponsored by TD Mutual Funds I drew the audience’s attention to the TD Mutual Funds – The Advisors Guide To Business Building – Volume 4 which is all about Branding. The TD Mutual Funds Advisors Guides To Business Building are excellent. A chapter of the Volume 4 guide is entitled; What Is Your Storey?
“Storytelling is a primary means by which we convey what we do, especially in financial services where it’s hard for purchasers and prospects to understand precisely what it is that you do and the value of what you do,” says Harry Beckwith author of What Client’s Love.
The highlight of today’s presentation was a 7 minute memorial video of Duncan Robinson’s son Michael that included a 25 minute presentation on “What Is Your Storey” by Duncan Robinson.
You could have heard a pin drop and you could also hear grown men weeping as it was that powerful. Michael legacy has provided Duncan the conviction to do whatever it takes to make a difference in both the lives of others and his own life. Duncan received many acknowledgements and thanks for reaching out and touching the audience to remind them that their business is not about selling products and that it is about building relationships and making a difference.
It was great to hear from Tom Miller of Pro-Seminars that our combined presentation really added value to the day. Many thanks to Alex Nicholson of Pro-Seminars at the same time.
Here are the written testimonials that we received;
Your presentation today was very pointed, you tell it the way it is. The insights you share are enlightening, and I can relate what you are saying, to the struggles I am having within my business today.
Your message is clear and delivered with conviction; you are inspiring to listen to.
I get the feeling that you believe in your message, and you have compelled me to fill out your feedback form – something that I never do.
Listening to your presentation today, I have realized that I need to refocus the direction of my business. Thank you for the message!
Your presentation simply gets to the point.
You speak the truth and your honesty is so very refreshing. I’m really looking forward to reading your 12 Day E-Course.
Your theory behind Values & Unmet Needs is fascinating. In one short hour, you have outlined exactly what I am struggling with, it was like you were reading my mind. But the best part was, you have the answers.
Your energy is infectious.
Here is Duncan Robinson’s Model For Success
Click Here for Duncan Robinson’s Web Site.
– Total Commitment & Conviction: have both commitment & conviction and strive to achieve your dream goals. If you visualize them you will achieve them. Decide to become more of that relationship person, decide what’s important to you & your legacy. Let the client see the persistence, patience, your heart, and do anything attitude-..
– Accountability, to yourself, your family, and your heart, lay out the plan and work an extra hour a day-
– Life Strategy, is it firmly locked into your mind, do you know what’s important. At the end of the day it will matter the difference you make in a person’s life.
– Exercise, your body & brain, and start a fitness program, make it a lifestyle decision, and stay committed to your plan. You’ll be amazed at the results.
– Mindful of Others, give to the community, in time, give as much as you can and expect nothing in return.
– Comfort Zone, get out of it, stretch your limitations, set lofty goals, for me it was breaking the 3:00:00 marathon. Now it’s achieving Top of the Table. Set your expectations higher than you can ask or imagine and watch the results. Life is a test and it is long-
– Reward Yourself: Holidays, self satisfaction, being the person you’d like to be, happy & content, and living life on purpose, with a purpose.
– Inspire 2 people each and every day.
– Put Passion into every thing you do.
– Poem, “God’s Lent Child”; this was passed onto me just after Michael died and now I share it with clients who have lost a child or a loved one.
– I’ve Learned there is nothing I’m able to do to change what’s happen, except change what I can into the future, that’s what I do now.
– Now Look around and discover the difference you can make each and every day, in the work we do and you’ll discover your gift. You all have gifts, embrace the gift and you’ll experience a changed person.
” I’ll lend you for a little while, a child of mine,
” God said, “For you to love, the while he lives,
and mourn for when he ?¢’s dead”. It may be six
or seven years or forty- two or three; But will you, till
I call him back, take care of him for me ?
He’ll bring his charm to gladden you and
(should his stay be brief) you’ll have his
lovely memories as solace for your grief.
I cannot promise he will stay, since all from
Earth must return. But there are
lessons taught below I want this child to learn.
I’ve looked the whole world over in my search
for teachers so true, and from the things that
crowd life’s lane, I have chosen you.
Now, will you give him all your Love ?
Nor think the labor vain ? Nor hate me when I come
to take, this lent child back again ?
I fancied that I heard them say, “Dear Lord,
For all the joys thy child will bring,
the risk of grief we’ll run.
We will shelter him with tenderness, we’ll love
him while we may and for the happiness
we’ve known, forever grateful stay.
But should thy angels call for him much sooner than
we’ve planned, we’ll brave the bitter grief
that comes and try to understand.
(Author unknown)

International Values and Behavioral Analyst, Business Coach, Speaker and Author
Executive Coaching Tips for Financial Advisors
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