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Disclosure Has More To Do With Segmentation, Contacts Per Year, Needs Analysis, Process Management and Feedback

I’ve been investing some of my research and writing time over the past few months into the issue of Disclosure and so my November 2013, December 2013 and January 2014 Newsletters have been about Disclosure.

Disclosure has more to do with the Client Engagement Process that includes Client Segmentation, Client Contacts Per Year, Client Needs Analysis, Client Process Management and Client Feedback.

My research on all of the above has lead me to create the following Financial Advisor Speaking Presentation and here is the synopsis.

The Client Commitment Process – Know Your Client, Show Your Client, Grow Your Client

In a time-based economy you can never demonstrate enough value to justify your fee. In a results-based economy you can never do enough to justify your commission.

Things have changed from a results-based economy to an experience-based economy.

Clients want the experience; they want an advisor who shows up on time, who they can trust, who treats them like family, who finishes what they start and who fulfills their commitment.

You’ve got to make a difference in the way people think and feel about themselves. That’s the real reason clients buy from you and stay committed.

It’s not about an extra quarter percent. It’s about how you make clients feel.

Secure, safe, confident and committed clients will stay as clients.

Customers move on, they care less about how they feel and more about getting the cheapest price. Customers can get it for a quarter percent less anywhere and they are just customers.

From the very first visit to your website, through telephone, front desk, consultation, delivery and after sales, the client experience can create a brand ambassador or a brand disaster.  A happy client becomes an unpaid ambassador of your sales force.

Join Simon Reilly in this value-packed presentation, The Client Commitment Process, on the moments of truth that will create a committed client for life.