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Concerned About Full Disclosure? 8 Actions To Take Now To Improve Professionalism & Value Proposition Blog

Over the past few weeks, there is little doubt that you have seen or read some of the articles and letters about the potential of full disclosure from sources that include Advocis, The National Post and The Investment Executive.

Some of my clients are feeling fearful and helpless.

Feeling fearful and helpless may be less to do with full disclosure and more to do with not knowing what to do.

Feeling fearful and helpless can make one feel like they are in a thick poisonous fog blanketing any sign of a vision going forward.

No doubt that whatever the outcome of the ongoing discussions about the potential of disclosure, advisors will be looking for new ways to improve their professionalism & value proposition.

Here Are 8 Actions To Take Now To Improve Professionalism & Value Proposition relating to the potential of full disclosure that will help you to associate to the value that you are providing your clients and ignite a vision going forward versus feeling fearful and helpless in a poisonous fog.

  1. Look at your calendar for the last 12 months and make a list of the clients that you have helped.
  2. Beside each client, write down the value-added services and products that you provided to them.
  3. Beside each client and the value-adds, write down the result your value-added services and products created, or what your value added services and products will create for your clients in the future.
  4. Beside each client and the value-adds, write down the values that you were expressing delivering your value-added services and products. Click this link for a Values Inventory 
  5. Beside each client and the value-adds and values, write down the how this makes you feel. Click this link for the Feelings Inventory 
  6. Revisit the list of clients that you have helped for the last 12 months.
  7. Circle the clients that really enjoy working with you.
  8. Ask them what they like best about working with you, and what they have received that they didn’t expect.

Instead of being caught up in all the media about the potential of disclosure, start now and focus on creating your own media about the value that you provide your clients who will understand your value in the event of full disclosure.