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Compassion Or Combashion?

Thursday morning came pretty early because my powerpoint needed work because I had previously broken the presentation into two one hour presentations and then updated both of them for a financial advisor speaking presentation for Bridgeforce / Financial Managment in Calgary on March 12th.

I wouldn’t go so far as to say that I have a pattern of leaving things to the last minute … I’ve been so busy with my mom, clients, speaking and traveling that I had not created the time to do this and Wednesday was a full coaching day on top of driving to Victoria on Wednesday evening so there I was in front of my laptop on Helen’s ( my mother in law ) kitchen table in the early morning hours on Thursday.

Life is about choices and I gave myself some compassion and chose to look at this as an experience to practice and refine my presentation. The way to mastery is practice and refinement.

Using a play on words, I could have given myself some combashion and like many, “bashed” and beat myself up for not taking care of the powerpoint sometime last week … honestly, I didn’t have a lot of time as I was away in Edmonton and Saskatoon last week and Laura and I were Agassiz and Chilliwack over the weekend making the arrangements for my mom’s move from assisted living to long term care.

But I gave myself a “pass” and gave myself some comPASSion.

Offering yourself some compassion and understanding allows you to observe the pasterns that you create versus compounding with combashion.

You create positive and negative energy and you are responsible for the forms of energy that you create.

You can create positive energy through compassion or negative energy through combashion.

When you have compassion for your situation then you will observe the situation that has contributed to your challenge and consciously make a choice to change.

When you have combashion for your situation you will compound your situation by bashing and beating and pounding and punishing yourself into an unconscious array of limiting emotions that include despair and sadness, limiting beliefs that include I am not good enough all fuelled by my unmet need of worthiness the granddaddy of the all.

In Wednesday’s blog I mentioned that it took us two years to attract the Advocis Victoria financial advisor speaking presentation.

At the end of the Advocis Victoria financial advisor speaking presentation the Regional Director of a financial firm said “you were recommend to me four years ago and I would like you to speak at our education day on May 7th”.

🙁 It’s now 8pm on Thursday evening and the long term care facility where my mom was just transferred to just called to say that my mom fell while be transferred to her bed and she is on her way to the emergency ward at the hospital.