This e-mail was sent to a very valuable and long standing client that gave me very short notice about not wanting to do any client appointments in July. At the end of all of this, the client indicated that a cheque was in the mail for July and they are very much a client and will continue to work in August after they return from their travels in July. Demonstrating strong boundaries can feel tough at times.
Sent Friday, July 6th, 2007
Thank you for your e-mail.
Please advise if it is your intention to pay for July to hold your coaching spot.
The reasons that I ask is we have received very short notice. I have one asset and that is time and once time ticks by, the time is gone for good.
On the other hand it will not be impossible to fill your spot.
The second reason I ask is I am sold out and have a waiting list and if we engage someone else then I cannot guarantee that we will have the time in August.
Please note that we invested considerable extra time to provide you with an extra hiring assessment, assessment debriefing call with your associate and a behind the scenes hiring plan … none of which was charged for. We do provide our long standing clients with extras from time to time because we value a long standing relationship. We are not running a drive through … simply put, we either have a relationship or not.
Thanks for understanding.
Please let me know what your thoughts are.
* * *
Sent Tuesday, July 10th, 2007
I’m writing to follow up on the e-mail that I sent you on Friday to expand upon the place that I was coming from.
My initial response was because of the short notice along with the extra time an energy that was invested into the hiring project.
At the same time, there are other business standards that we request our clients to respect.
To understand this, please find the following article that explains our client segmentation critieria.
I wish you the best.
What would be the criteria that I would use to segment my clients?
– Your coach enjoys working with you
– You make every effort to keep your pre-scheduled coaching telephone call and you are on time for your coaching call
– You make payment for your coaching on time
– You complete your assignments and e-mail or fax them in advance of your coaching session
– You complete your Coaching Call Client Form and e-mail or fax it in advance of your coaching session
– You arrive at your coaching session with an open frame of mind
– You don’t try to use your coaching session as a bitch session

International Values and Behavioral Analyst, Business Coach, Speaker and Author
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