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Clearing Your Emotional Clock

Here is a segment of a coaching call follow up e-mail from Monday;

You have an observable pattern, that in order to get motivated, you have to beat yourself up relentlessly creating so much pressure that you eventually get yourself going and the only problem is that you cannot sustain your energy because it is based on negative beliefs, emotions, energy and unmet needs because the core of your pursuit is trying to get unmet needs met from others.

You must create a new pattern working from within.

On an 8 ½” x 11” sheet of paper write the number 12 at the top centre of the page, the number 3 half way down the right edge of the page, the number 6 at the bottom centre of the page and the number 9 half way up the left hand edge of the page … all to resemble the face of a clock.

From the 1 o’clock spot on the clock write down the words that you shared with me today for the first few numbers on the clock and as you progress start to change the beliefs to positive truths about your business while adding empowering feelings at the same time.

1 o’clock – I’m disgusted
2 o’clock – I screwed up
3 o’clock – I haven’t done my work
4 o’clock – I have to change
5 o’clock – I am taking action and I feel attractive, certain, confident, empowered, energized, inspired and positive
6 o’clock – I have an enormous amount of resources and I feel attractive, certain, confident, empowered, energized, inspired and positive
7 o’clock – I have years of business experience and I feel attractive, certain, confident, empowered, energized, inspired and positive
8 o’clock – I have a strong group of clients and prospects and I feel attractive, certain, confident, empowered, energized, inspired and positive
9 o’clock – I have an excellent team of staff and I feel attractive, certain, confident, empowered, energized, inspired and positive
10 o’clock – I have a long and lasting business and I feel attractive, certain, confident, empowered, energized, inspired and positive
11 o’clock – I have a strong business plan for the future and I feel attractive, certain, confident, empowered, energized, inspired and positive
12 o’clock – I have a strong vision for the future and I feel attractive, certain, confident, empowered, energized, inspired and positive