Clarity has come to the web site speaking pages at last. It is like building another web site. And not only is it about a web site, a niche – it is about how to clearly get the message out about speaking along side of the coaching so that one does not over ride the other. The new main page and speaking pages will be posted by the end of April.
Now it is about completing the writing of the speaking pages, fine tuning the details and publish.
You may have heard of me talk about Behavioral Adaptations and the challenges that they create. Well, I’m putting the coaching to the test. I am having a Behavioral, Behavioral Adaptation with the writing and I am so looking forward to completing the web site writing as I very much just like being out there with people – it is long overdue.
For an upcoming people fix, I am also creating a Power Point Presentation called “What are the Values & Behaviors of Today’s Leading Advisor” for a presentation on April 26th.
I’m looking forward to coaching calls on Wednesday and Thursday.

International Values and Behavioral Analyst, Business Coach, Speaker and Author
Executive Coaching Tips for Financial Advisors
Speaking at a City Near You