In advance writing the steps to creating a vision, business plan and 90 days for 2011 I’m blogging about creating the foundation and one of the…
My friend Debra introduced me to the Four Years Go Campaign with the following video post on Facebook. This lead me to the next video…
I’m inspired to write today’s Empty Your Mind Blog by the following client testimonial that I received the other day; I have had the best…
I’m writing this Get Complete blog in advance of writing tomorrow’s 2011 Planning – Empty Your Mind blog. The term Get Complete means that everything…
Weak boundaries are one of the key reasons that one doesn’t complete their Vision and Goals in advance for the incoming year and now is…
In Friday’s blog I talked about Imagifragmentation which can drive The First Deadly Sin Before All Other’s – Failing To Manage Your Projects & Time…
Do you feel it yet? Are you feeling: Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! – I have too much to do and I have no time – Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! Or The…
Imagi … WHAT!! According to this Google Search for Imagifragmentation, I’ve just created a new word because the word doesn’t exist! At the same time,…