I Quit
It’s 11:48am ET on Thursday, November 5th and I’m nearly 3 hours into a 4 ½ hour flight to Calgary from Toronto on my way
November 6, 2009
The Big Book of Parenting Solutions
I hear “Generation X & Y Financial Advisors have no work ethic” time and time again from Traditionalist and Baby Boomer Financial Advisors. The answer
November 5, 2009
The Morning Questions
As I’m into the flow of this week traveling and speaking four different times with four different speaking presentations, last week’s lack of energy all
November 4, 2009
Attention Management Mash Up
A Déjà Vu moment on Sunday night at The Delta Hotel in Kitchener which is where I holed myself up on a weekend in 2007
November 3, 2009
4 Over 5 With 4 Traveling 8000
The start of this trip brings a good omen … a miraculous complimentary upgrade to Executive Class on Air Canada … setting the stage for
November 2, 2009