John Completing The Balanced Business Barometer
John Richardson completing the Balanced Business Barometer @ NAIFA 2012 Las Vegas.
September 9, 2012
September 9, 2012
Printing Is A Go!
Success with ePrinting! We will be able to print the Balanced Business Barometer for the delegates at the NAIFA 2012 Career Conference & Annual Meeting.
September 9, 2012
Travel Day 3 – Am I D-Connected Or E-Connected
8 am – Caesars Palace Las Vegas, September 9, 2012 Friends, Romans, Countrymen … To E-Connect or D-Connect, that is the question. Laura and I
September 9, 2012
Travel Day #2.1 – Is The Devil Really In The Details?
It’s 11:35 am and Laura and I are on a flight from Bellingham, Washington to Las Vegas after an excellent night’s sleep. We have the
September 8, 2012