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Birthday & Seasons


It’s 3:45pm on Saturday, April 5th.

It’s my birthday.

I’ve had a 3 hour nap and I’m sitting in my office listening to the likes of Bruce Cockburn and Bob Dylan. I am finishing my planning for April as I am still a little behind from getting over the bronchitis, cold and mild pneumonia that I have been battling since February 16th when I picked up the first round of it just after landing in Maui.

With the planning time for April, what a blessing to walk into the future and realize that even though I am busy, I am not that busy because I have plenty of planning and preparation time scheduled in this month.

At the same time, I have cancelled out on three speaking dates in Vancouver, Toronto and London so that I can get resettled into running my business of coaching, speaking and writing versus my business running me with coaching and speaking with the writing becoming non-existent.

Sidebar – its not all work … Laura has invited eight of our friends over this evening for cake, drinks and board games.

Businesses are just like the seasons and my sixth sense was telling me back last fall and winter to slow the speaking down to enable me to write.

Yes, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and I got caught up in CANES – Constant And Never Ending Speaking.

I’ve finally got the message so I am going to turn this spring and summer into winter paying attention to coaching, doing some speaking and investing my extra time from April – August into writing my book. In the winter you have to let the soil take a rest and in so doing, the soil rebuilds its nutrients so that there can be growth in the spring.


“There will be growth in the spring” is a favorite quote from one of my all time favorite movies called “Being There” with Peter Sellers.