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Before The Labor Day Bell Tolls

The last two weeks of August and the last two weeks before Labor Day are approaching just before the bell tolls for everyone to get back to their regular work schedule.

While your client’s expectations are not as high and many of your clients are grasping for the last few days of the summer, take the time now so that they can hit the ground running in September heading towards the finish line of December 31, 2008 knowing they are going to win.

1. Review your calendar and to-do lists, ID the life and death appointments and actions, the ones that are musts and urgent, schedule them into one or two days for completion re-schedule the non life and death appointments and actions to create the space, two to three days to clear your mind.
2. Clear your mind using the technique that I talked about in Nonsense To Try To Move Ahead.
3. Pretend that it is December 31, 2008 and look back at all areas of your business life and personal life and ask what would have to have happened in order for you to feel truly satisfied with your progress and how does this make you feel. With this in mind, write out your September – December goals and action steps for each category of your business and personal life.
4. Enjoy the rest of the summer knowing that you are going to have a winning September – December!