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BC Canadians Unite! Stop Whining In A Winter Wonderland!


We in BC must persevere and stop giving our Eastern Canadian brethren fuel on our news casts about our whining about our first Vancouver, BC winter in what seems like 100 years.

So what if it is going down to -10C tonight with a wind chill of -18C, especially when it is a balmy 12C in Toronto, ON. So what if 80,000 BC residences are without electricity.

We must prevail and stop whipping ourselves up into a frenzy, as it will show those in the east what they know to be true, that we are a bunch of avocado and granola eating tree hugging wimps.

We must refrain from calling this the “November To Remember”.

Again it matters not that we have had:

– High winds of up to 115km per hour
– 400 mm of rain in November along with flooding
– A boil water order for 10 days
– Record breaking 30 – 50 cm one day snow fall records

On a serious note, let us not forget those that are homeless at this time and may they find shelter.