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An Outstanding Testimonial

I have found our working relationship to be of exceptional quality and I would not be where I am today without your coaching expertise. I have grown at an unbelievable rate in the past two years and know that it is because of your program to remove roadblocks and to build my practice based on my values. I feel refreshed and alive and wanting to excel in my practice to a degree that I cannot express into words. You have given me the courage to expand and to believe in myself when things were very difficult and I could very easily have thrown in the towel so to speak. I have valued my relationship with you and will be happy to speak with potential clients on your behalf.

I wish you both God’s blessings and that you have great growth and success in your business. I hope that you have the opportunity to share your expertise with many advisors, so that the industry is a better place because of your influence.

Tracy Valgardsson Enns, CFP, FDS, EPC
Tracyv @ sasktel.net
PIP / Athabasca Financial
Moose Jaw, SK