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Adapting To Change

Behavioral research indicates that 54% of us have characteristics that will avoid change at all costs, even if our current experience is hurting us.

Some of us don’t even know that our current experience is hurting us.

I am sure that you have heard:

• 10% of Financial Advisors will make something happen
• 20% of Financial Advisors will have something happen
• 70% of Financial Advisors will not know anything happened to them

Like the frog that is placed in cold water that is heated in 2° intervals to boiling and that the frog will never jump out.

If the frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out.

This week I’ve increased the temperature a lot by working on the list of projects that I wrote about in Wednesday’s blog.

Through behavioral research I know that I am best at multi tasking and it takes me a considerable amount of energy to focus on one thing at a time. When that energy is focused, look out!

Our business plan allows me to work with clients one week on and one week off allowing a product development week every other week.

This week was one of those weeks where I focused on one project in the early mornings of each day where my energy is the best. I can then go back into my multi tasking style in the afternoons working on tying up loose ends on various different projects.

This strategy has allowed me to complete the lion’s share of the work that I set out to do this week so that we can head towards September 2nd and December 31st knowing that we are going to win.