Saturday called for a 4:30am wakeup to catch the first Ferry so that Laura and I could visit with my mom Irene in Agassiz, BC.
Irene lives at an Assisted Living Apartment and likes Agassiz because it is close to Chilliwack, BC where Irene lived with my dad from 1960 until his passing in 2002. Agassiz is more comfortable for her than moving her to a strange place so that Irene can be closer to us. The only challenge is that it takes a 4:30am wake up to catch a 6:30am 1 ?Ǭ? hour Ferry ride followed by a 1 ?Ǭº hour drive through heavy traffic. The visit is only 2 hours and then we have to do the whole process all over again through heavier traffic on the return.
Irene is well taken care of and is in good spirits & good health. There was no shortage of things to talk about with all of the traveling that we have been doing.
Irene lived with fear most of her life and I hope that she finds pleasure in her son and daughter-in law’s entrepreneurial endeavors to help their clients eliminate fear so that they can be the best that they can be.
On the Ferry ride on the way back I found myself sitting right across from Barry Pepper from “Saving Private Ryan” fame. Barry was sitting with 3 other men that were “salt of the earth” types and I imagine Barry was doing research for a forthcoming movie role that he is working on.
Saving Private Ryan – Barry Pepper is on the far right.
Did I ask for an autograph? Not my style.
Here is a copy from a past Blog about Laura’s run in with Jenifer Lopez.
Monday brings another traveling day to speak at an Advocis Educational Day in Grande Prairie, Alberta.

International Values and Behavioral Analyst, Business Coach, Speaker and Author
Executive Coaching Tips for Financial Advisors
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