Dan Sullivan explains: “Focus Days, when you’re producing the really best results; Free Days, when you’re rejuvenating; and Buffer Days, when you are preparing–handling the backstage of your work. And you’re not going to let one day’s activities lap over into another’s.”
Focus Days are when I am working with my clients.
Monday was a Buffer Day and it was invested in following up on the loads of speaking leads that I have attracted over the course of 2007 and follow up contact was made with;
1. Advocis Toronto
2. CI Investments
3. Dundee Wealth Management
4. Queensbury Insurance Brokers Inc.
5. The Rice Financial Group
6. The Knowledge Bureau
I’m making a public commitment to keep updating my list and the number of 40 comes to mind.
After a day of concentrating on public speaking marketing I was feeling drained and tired by the end of the day. It is one thing to get out in front of 100 or so frosty faced financial advisors while they are thinking my butt hurts and prove it to me and yet another to go and find the gigs … whew … where do I find the energy?
So I practiced what I preached and wrote out the following list of accomplishments for January 2008 to give thanks for;
• Vision reignited
• Clients well taken care of to begin the year with files reviewed and prepared for calls
• Microsoft Tasks being used to stay more focused & organized, eliminated paper & files and saving time
• Gateway Tablet and Canon iP90 printer repaired
• Budget on track
• Removing Your Roadblocks product upgrade nearly complete
• “Circuit” Group Coaching product plan created for launch in April
• Advertising, e-broadcasting and fax-broadcasting research started
• Removing Your Roadblocks booklets started to include audio, PowerPoint and transcription in production
• Transcriptionist being hired to transcribe coaching and speaking sessions to create articles, blogs, e-newsletters and products
• New Removing Your Roadblocks To 2008 PowerPoint created and presented in Toronto, London, Calgary and Vancouver
• New one on one coaching clients starting in January
• Invited to speak at Canada Life Education Day in February in Toronto
• Blogging resumed on a daily basis
• January e-newsletter is excellent
• Web site upgrades started on main, coaching, speaking schedule and testimonials pages

International Values and Behavioral Analyst, Business Coach, Speaker and Author
Executive Coaching Tips for Financial Advisors
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