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A Much Bigger Picture

Laura and I completed The Pursuit Of Excellence over the weekend and I can’t say enough about the workshop. It was great to be on the other side of the stage for a change to invest 34 hours to enhance our personal and business lives.

The benefits are numerous and the best one was to be reminded that I am so lucky to be in love with a woman that deeply loves me right back.

I’m reminded that as I approach my birthday, my intuition is magnified and this year it is ringing off the hook.

The Pursuit gave me the space to work on A Much Bigger Picture that includes;

  • Commit to delivering the true message about the type of financial planner coaching that we do through our existing financial planner speaking and updating our financial planner coaching web site copy to reflect same – not watering down our clearing your emotional roadblocks message down with BS about business plans, goal setting and time management, while important, these are all secondary
  • Coach financial planners that work with an assistant or team – going forward, new financial planner coaching clients will be expected to have or have the potential to be working with an assistant or team
  • Promote financial planner speaking to MGA and life insurance companies – already booked! – Financial Management in Vancouver and Calgary

  • Promote in-house removing your roadblocks and team building workshops to MGA and life insurance companies
  • Promote financial planner removing your roadblocks workshops and team building workshops to MGA and life insurance companies that the MGA and life insurance companies would sponsor
  • Promote financial planner client removing your roadblocks workshops and team building workshops to MGA and life insurance companies that the MGA and life insurance companies would sponsor
  • Create a system to qualify the members of the financial planner audience to determine if they have or have the potential to be working with an assistant or team
  • Attract a team to help fulfill the vision including center of influence financial planners that would assist at the live financial planner removing your roadblocks workshops and team building workshops
  • Speak with less power point slides
  • Hire an onsite assistant or delegate more to our virtual assistants