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Behavioral Assessment Overview

I’ve been writing about Behavioural Investment Counselling, Behavioral Sales & Marketing  and Behavioral Time Management and here is an introduction to the Values & Behaviors Assessments that we use.

Values & Behaviors Assessments form the foundation of the Leading Advisor Coaching System. Through the Assessments we identify two important facets;

A. “Values” are WHY you approach your business and personal goals – therefore what Motivates your Behavior. Through our research we have identified the Six Key “Values” of today’s Leading Advisors.

B. “Behaviors” are HOW you are currently taking action towards your business and personal goals.

Most people in business are not aware of the “Values” that are required to be a success in today’s business world. They may not fully understand the source of what Motivates them. Therefore they may have inconsistent “Behaviors” in taking action towards their personal and business goals. At the end of the day they experience: conflict, inconsistency, lack of motivation and even worse, unfulfilled business and personal lives.

The Assessments can be used to assess yourself, your current staff and interviewees. In addition, we can Assess your top performers and benchmark their Values & Behaviors. The benchmark can be used for coaching, to create a way to raise the standard and performance of your existing team and for hiring decisions.