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Quitting Opened Up Inspiration To 2010 Goals

Seems that all of November weekends have had days where I am either preparing to travel or I’m traveling and this last Sunday and next Saturday are no different as I am prepping for a Monday morning trip to Sudbury, Ottawa and Thunder Bay and I will not fly home until Saturday, November 21st.

People sometimes ask; “how do I do it?” I just get in the attention and time management zone with my projects list and time blocks and use the sanctity of the airport waiting rooms, the flights and the hotel rooms and here are the projects that I am working on for this trip;

• Platinum Coaching Client Calls c/w Added Valued Added E-mails that include; Articles, Assignments, Audios, E-Books, Forms, Scripts, Templates, Tools, Worksheets

• Delivering the Free Digital Clear Your Roadblocks Coaching GYM Program to new prospective clients

• Compliance & The Elimination Of Rouge Behavior PowerPoint for delivery to Advocis Ottawa on Thursday, November 19th – business life would not be the same if I wasn’t creating a new PowerPoint

• Marketing Copy for The Clear Your Roadblocks One Day Workshop on January 13th, 2010 in Mississauga, ON

• Platinum Coaching Client Prospect Calls

• Speaking Leads Follow Up

• Review Marketing & Sales Plan with Laura

• Speaking One Sheet Update

• November Clear Your Roadblocks E-Newsletter

• 2010 Goals & Actions

I wrote a Blog called I Quit in the first week of November; this is about finding ways to Quit doing the same thing over and over again and expect a different result. I found that this really opened up my inspiration for 2010 and I offered a reminder of How To Set Goals For The Coming Year. This in turn reminded me of the best way to inspire oneself for the upcoming year … check out Tuesday’s Blog for; A List Of Everything Accomplished For 2009