Serendipity continues to work!! I’ve been working on reaching the person in charge of arranging the Advocis – Nanaimo Education Day for April. I picked up the phone to find out that they were going to be driving by my door in 15 minutes. In 15 minutes we had a great 15 minute face to face meeting and I believe that we have the opportunity.
Whew! Can you believe it we have booked 4 Gigs in the last 24 hours. Grande Prairie, Kitchener, Naniamo and Toronto! The word is out and we are starting to create a real buzz.
March & April are getting really booked up with speaking opportunities.
March 2 Freedom 55 Vancouver
March 7 Pro-Seminars Kitchener
March 8 Pro-Seminars Toronto
March 13 FM Financial Vancouver
March 20 Pro-Seminars Richmond
March 23 Pro-Seminars Saskatoon
April 3 Pro-Seminars London
April 5 Pro-Seminars Winnipeg
April 7 Advocis Nanaimo
April 24 Pro-Seminars Toronto
April 28 Advocis Kelowna
Halleluiah! Than means that in the next two months we are going to be speaking in front of 1000 new financial advisors.

International Values and Behavioral Analyst, Business Coach, Speaker and Author
Executive Coaching Tips for Financial Advisors
Speaking at a City Near You