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3 Rs To 31 Rs

I’ve being writing about my Reinvention Vision and it came to me that I need to focus on the 3 R’s to facilitate the vision; Reading, Research and wRiting.

It seems to me that there are 31 R’s and counting that support the Reinvention Process.

  1. bReathe
  2. caRdio
  3. cleaR
  4. cReate
  5. exeRcise
  6. foRgive
  7. heaR
  8. inteRview
  9. jouRnal
  10. leaRn
  11. machineRy, camtasia, comuteRs, dRagon, flip, iPad, go to meeting, teleclass, webinaR
  12. natuRe
  13. netwoRking
  14. pRoduce
  15. puRpose, mission and vision
  16. prayeR, concentRation, consideRation, delibeRation, intRospection, Reflection,
  17. pResence
  18. Reading
  19. Refine
  20. Relax
  21. Release
  22. Research
  23. Reserves
  24. Rest
  25. Restore
  26. Review
  27. show Real
  28. social netwoRking
  29. spiRit
  30. understand
  31. wRiting