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The First Deadly Holiday Sin Before All Others


Courtesy of www.savary.ca

Do you feel it yet?

Are you feeling:

Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! – I have too much to do and I have no time – Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!

What is the first deadly sin before the other 7 deadly sins?

  1. Lust
  2. Gluttony
  3. Greed
  4. Sloth
  5. Wrath
  6. Envy
  7. Pride

Failing to:

  1. List your business and personal projects for the year
  2. Estimate the time required
  3. Prioritize them for action
  4. Schedule them
  5. Remember to schedule your holidays

Failing to manage your business and personal projects and time breeds:

  1. Wrath – You have too much to do.
  2. Greed – You don’t have enough.
  3. Sloth – You will never get it all done.
  4. Pride – It is not that important ( the tasks that you have been blessed with).
  5. Lust – You will get started as soon as you get _______________ ( the next big thing ).
  6. Envy – You think that everyone seems to have a lot more time.
  7. Gluttony – You try to do too many things at the same time.

    Courtesy of PhotographyTips.com

Laura scheduled a holiday for us. We’re off for a few days and heading to Savary Island, a hidden gem on the Sunshine Coast of beautiful British Columbia. The island is mostly sand and boasts the warmest waters off the BC Coast. We’re staying at the Suite and Savary Inn located mid island. They have quaint cabins and a “stupidly comfortable purple couch” that I must sit in.

We’re looking forward to a short break and will be back refreshed next week. Enjoy your week! Aahhhh…

Courtesy of Suite and Savary Inn